Thursday, June 24, 2010

Happy Father's Day

Months ago I decided I wanted to give Devin something special from his Princesses. Immediately, I thought of my sister-in-law Julie (she takes beautiful pictures of everything and anything). Without hesitation, Julie said she would be happy to take pictures of our girls as a gift for Devin. With less struggling than you may have pictured (but more struggling than I had anticipated), I whipped up tutus for the girls and headed to Canada.

With her usual cheerful attitude, Julie snapped pictures of the girls while they posed, danced and played (on and off for half a day...minus a quick trip into town for Chinese food). All in all, I thought the photo shoot was a success! Thank you Julie!!

Devin LOVED his pictures. I could literally see his heart melt as he lovingly admired the pictures of his princesses. We had a moment of sweet silence while we sat and looked at the pictures. With the busyness of our everyday lives we sometimes forget how kind our Heavenly Father has been to bless us with such wonderful daughters. They are our greatest joy.

"This is a proud daddy gift I can put in my office," Devin said.

Happy Father's Day Devo!! We love you!!

Here are more of our favorites...


Amy MacDonald said...

This might be my favorite post up to date. You guys are a great family. Thanks for being a good example to Chance and I of what "family" means :)

Trevor said...

For a second I thought that you had got an ipad for fathers day, but upon closer inspection I realized that all it was were some crummy pictures in a frame. When will our wives ever learn?

Trevor said...

Great pics. I love it that you have become a blogging maniac. It is great to keep up to date with what is going on with you guys since you live so far away, keep up the good work.

jeanine said...

Those are adorable! What a great gift!