Monday, October 25, 2010

For Zoe

Zoe, thank you for being one of the best things that has ever happened to me. Because of you, I have become a better mother, I have experienced more joy, I have gotten to witness first-hand what a great big-sister Jade is, I have seen my husband grow as a father and I have fallen in love for the third time!

I love how you show all your teeth when you smile :)

I love how you roll over to your side and pull your blanket to your mouth when you are tired.

I love how excited you get when you know we're going to pick you up!

I love your big blue eyes.

I love how your hair flips out.

I love how content you are in your car seat.

I love how you sometimes question life.

I love what a good sleeper you are.

I love you Zoe Amy!!

1 comment:

Amy MacDonald said...

Oh Erin!! This is a glorious post! I giggled the whole time. I LOVE her SO much!! :D She is the perfection addition to your lil fam :)