Monday, May 24, 2010

Home Again!

It was great to get home and see Devin again (we had been gone a month!!)
As you can see, Devo got a new hydropack (complete with a a magnetic articulating bite valve...whatever the heck that means).

I know what it means. It means Devin has found his second true love :)

We "Spring Cleaned" (aka: ripped the house apart) for the first few days of Devin's week off. Then Devin told me he was picturing a little more "fun" during his we went to the Zoo as a family, and then took Jade to a 3-D movie (How to Train Your Dragon).

Mother's Day playgroup

Everything was going good until I dropped my camera...and BROKE it (as you can see, the right side is blurry and the left side is clear). I cried and Devin smiled (the boy wanted a new camera).


Amy MacDonald said...

Chance and I laughed hard at that pic of Devo. Just makin' din din with his nap sack..

Crystal HW said...

That is definetly a funny pick with the hydro pack.
SO SAD about your camera!