Monday, October 06, 2008

Triathloon Success!

This is us getting pumped up for the 'Triathloon.' Erin swam 500 metres, Devin biked 20 K and Ken ran 5 k. If you're wondering why it is called a "Triathloon"...I think it is because there are loons on the lake and therefore "Triathloon" is more appropriate than "Triathlon"

This is the start of the Triathloon. Please notice Julie Vaz doing a belly flop.

What a success! I heard there were over 60 participants!

Can I just say that Julie is amazing? She swam 500 metres, ran 5 K, and then came back to nurse her 6 week old baby. Unreal!! I was still trying to walk at 6 weeks postpartum 

This is our team: Ken, Devin, Erin, Caden and Liam Wallace. We won second.

1 comment:

JWalburger said...

Way to go you guys!!