Thursday, March 18, 2010

Two Kids

Zoe's first smile was on February 10th (she was just over a month old). People say those smiles are just gas, but I know she was smiling at me because she likes me ;) She usually smiles after she's done eating or when Jade talks to her--it's pretty cute.

I couldn't really picture life with two kids before Zoe came along. The laundry has tripled, the house often looks like a bomb went off, grocery shopping takes me ten years (I wish I was over-exaggerating here), and I rarely (I mean almost NEVER) have silence throughout the day...but I wouldn't change it for the world. Zoe has been such a blessing to our family. Jade and I spend hours taking care of Zoe together. Jade helps with diaper changes and baths, gives Zoe toys to play with (still a little early for that), and waits patiently while I take care of other fun jobs (diaper explosions, spit-ups, fussy times etc).

Tonight someone asked me how many kids I have and I said, "Two." It was the first time I've been asked since Zoe was born...and it made me smile to think how our family has grown by two feet. Love you Zoe!


Amy MacDonald said...

I love everything about this post :)

Erin L. said...

What a great post Erin! I'm seriously counting the days until I get to snuggle that little baby and see you and Jade! I just CAN'T WAIT!

Amy MacDonald said...

Bahahah... I just noticed how Zoe's sleeping in the last photo...