Sunday, May 07, 2006

Art exhibit at the Wallace's

Spencer and his friends came up with the idea of an "Evening of Art at the Wallace's." Everyone had to bring their masterpieces and talk about them.
Erin brought her "Blue-Footed Booby," a REAL bird she made in grade 6. Imagine the questions she was asked about her "bird."
This is Devin's self-portrait. His inspiration was himself. He presented his masterpiece as an abstract neo-classical work, adopting form and structure from the cubism era.
Erin, Davie and Devin looking "artsy!!" We personally like Davie's shoes. Posted by Picasa


Trevor said...

So you say that your artwork is part of the Cuban Period. I always thought that you looked Cuban, now I know for sure.

wallaceweb said...

Sorry Trev, I think you misread; my artwork came from the CUBISM period. This period used simple forms of cubes as abstact images.
thankyou, art 1000