"Me a tid" aka: I'm a kid (12.03.10)
"I so excited to go to the Y!" (12.03.10)
"PLEEEASE DON'T!!" (18.03.10)
"Me cute. Baby cute too." (18.03.10)
"Seeyoulaterbye!" (01.04.10)
"My daddy one of those!"(pointing to her cousin's...)(07.04.10)
"I excited! You excited? Two exciteds!" (08.04.10)
"Mimi my friend. Mommy and Daddy my friends too." (11.05.10)
"I like Mike's teeth. Tait my friend." (11.05.08)
"I DO IT!!!" (11.05.10)
"I did it! Hicimos! I did it!" (11.05.10)
"The temple! Mimi married in the temple. And Chance. Me marry in the temple too" (25.05.10)
Devin: "Jade, what else should we put in these cookies?" Jade: "Chicken!" (30.05.10)
"My dirt grows grass!" (11.06.10)
"Help spell my name"(11.06.10)
"Don't say 'huh,' say 'pardon'!" (13.06.10)
"Color in the lines please" (15.06.10)
"Me the princess" (31.07.10)
"Where my friends are?" (31.07.10)
"It happens" (09.08.10)
"What is going on here?" (21.09.10)
"Where are we going next?" (24.09.10)
"That's a good idea!" (27.09.10)
"I buy that later." (28.09.10)
"I buy that some day." (28.09.10)
"Ya hear dat?" (28.09.10)
"You know what Zoe?" (28.09.10)
"Watch ME mom!!!" (28.09.10)
"Sorry. I won't do it again" (28.09.10)
"I can't, my hands are full" (30.09.10)
"Awww cuuuute!" (01.10.10)
"Ummm sure!" (01.10.10)
"Mom, why you bugging me and Zoe?" (01.10.10)
"Her name's not kiddo, it's Zoe." (12.10.10)
"I saw the picture. You have a white dress and flowers, and daddy holding you and you marry in the temple when you turn big. I marry in the temple when I turn big too." (12.10.10)
Jade: "My ears hurt."
Erin: "What do they feel like?"
Jade: "Grapes." (20.10.10)
"Be careful. It's very dangerous." (20.10.10)
"Maybe Santa will give me a hug. Maybe Santa will dance with me." (20.10.10)